Genre Exploration 1

#intercultural #genre #ethnologistnotebook

The book is written in hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. 

The book is different than English comic books because the title of the book is found on the far right side of the page and is read from left to right. The author is at the bottom of the page. The book starts on the front cover instead of after you open the book. 

The images seem the same to me as an English comic book, depending on what the comic book your reading. 

The books are also written about everyday life as a family, the struggles of a day. The season seems to be in summer because the mother is riding a bike to bring her husbands briefcase to him. 

Title: Everyday Kimurake when will you come

The father is in a big hurry to get to work. In the meantime everyone else is starting there day out right with a good breakfast, getting dressed and ready for school. 

In the meantime the father is still frustrated getting ready and eating on the run. He’s in such a hurry to get to work and he has to take the trash out too. On his way to the trash dump he throws his briefcase into the trash instead of the trash. He ends up taking the trash to work.

His wife later finds his briefcase in the trash and delivers it to him at work. He’s grateful. 
