Genre Exploration 2

This time the title of the book is at the bottom instead of the right side.

Story starts on the cover page again instead of after the cover page. 

The book is written about the day of a police officer, all the things he does in a days work. 


Te kesuta

Little girl goes to the police station crying.

Police on bicycle says hi to lady walking a stroller.

Police on bicycle asks boy on bike with another person to slow down.

Police rounding comer to see girl trying to keep her ice cream cone from getting eaten by a dog.

Police helps little girl.

Then police see kids trek to climb a tree to get something. The cat is stuck in the tree.

The police officer starts to climb tree to get the cat. Kids are happy. 

The cat ends up falling down and police officer is left hanging on a tree limb. 

good nonbako sashiko ( little stabs) 

The next book is about the daily jobs of a police officer too.

He’s chasing a criminal at first, then greeting an elderly man and his dog, 

helping another elderly man, trying to listen to a Womens problem. He finally goes with the women and sees she’s trying to say an alligator I know the area trying to get her dog.

The police heroically catches the alligator and removes it from the area. 

#intercultural #genre #ethnologistnotebook
