Literacy Blog 2: Sumimasen

The book appears to be about everyday life of a young woman.

She’s boards the bus for work and while on the bus the driver has to stop suddenly. A cat is crossing the path and someone gets the cat to safely. 

The girl finally gets to work and greets everyone in her office. She has to do a lot of research when she gets to work and isn’t too happy about it but does it. 

In the meantime a worker spills coffee all over himself and she tries to comfort him.

She also tried to help a fellow worker who is also doing research. 

Someone is celebrating in the work force with giving cookies out and she’s thankful. 

She’s finally done for the day and waves goodby to everyone in the work place and runs to catch the bus.

When she gets there she doesn’t find the bus there and the bus has a sign on it “sorry out of service.” She looks distraught while kneeling down on the sidewalk. 

I recognize the word Sumimasen is used a lot in the book. 

I notice in the Japanese language people say their sorry more than in America. 

I try to apologize if I’ve done something wrong but not everybody here feels that way. . 

In America we speak a lot just to make a point. Where it takes in English one paragraph to say something in Japanese it takes a lot fewer words. 
