Literacy Blog 3: Book Report

I think the book is about a family, ( 3 kids, mom and dad and grandpa) it’s about things they do all year long in everyday life.

The daughter in pink introduces herself. She goes to her father and asks her father something, then to the mother, then to her siblings. 

She goes to ask her dog now. 

It might be what they all want for. Christmas?

She ends up bringing her dog some bones.

Mother and father begin by baking some things for a family outing. They all go to the amusement part together, Then father takes his son to a pond to skip rocks. 

One of the son takes time to ponder under a fall tree. 

Mother and daughter begin flower hunting to make an art work from flowers.

Mother bad daughter have a picnic together mother realizes she forgot the chopsticks

The phone rings and the girl gets to speak to grandpa. Probably making arrangement for the holidays. 

The kids go out and play tag, the season progresses towards winter.

Grandpa arrives and brings a present ( maybe a cake?)

Grandpa sees the pressed flowers the little girl and her mother made framed and hanging. 

The kids ask about the cake when they can eat it. They wait until 3 o’clock to have a piece of cake. 

Daughter shows mom she gave the dog some bones. 

Mom begins to get ready for an outing and starts putting on lipstick. 

The ground starts to shake and mother begins looking for daughter as does the little girl is looking for her mother. They both go to the kitchen untidier the table to ride out the earthquake

The doorbell rings and she asks who it is?  The delivery man delivers the box. Mom turns around and see the daughter is wearing her lipstick. 

She talks to daughter about it.

Santa clause begins delivering presents. The kids sing Christmas carols. The little girl gets a gift of makeup. Her siblings get gifts too but it looks like the two gifts might be mixed up and dad straightens it out. The little girl asks a  whether dog gets a gift too. 

I recognize several words in the story, some greetings, and some questions that are asked.

A lot of the everyday happens are normal for children and families in America except we eat with forks instead of chopsticks, and we don’t generally in Kansas City have earthquakes. 

Growing up we did a lot of activities together like this family did. 

I’m not sure if we use the exact expressions but things that I found are universal are laughter, crying, fear, and happiness. We are happy getting birthday cakes, going to amusement parks and picnics with our family. We usually like our grandparents to visit us with gifts. 

I do notice that the Japanese language they say fewer words than  people in Kansas City.

